Monday, August 6, 2007

Free food

I need a new name. I don't know what it should be. I'm multi dimensional, you know? Multi textured. But I don't really want to emphasize that, from the standpoint of I'm not really going to be talking all that much, most likely. Does that even make sense to anyone outside my head? Probably not. Its a good thing I'm only talking to myself.

Anyway. GRE totally sent my scores to TAMU, so they're on crack. Still can't register. Beyond worrying about that now. I have some many other things to freak out about, like HOW I'm going to move.

My IUP email is vaguely screwed up, and wasn't sending emails to gmail. dunno why. But I got something from TAMU, which cool. About free food. I'm all excited like.

so much, so worried. Stress. Hopefully it will spur me on.

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