Friday, August 3, 2007

A Day Off

So, cool thing about this whole contract thing is that, essentially, we can take off whenever we want. Now, this isn't to say that I could miss every Monday without some kind of arrangement, not to mention I don't get paid for days off. However, it does mean that if we don't really have anything for me to do, I get to come 'home'.

This is good. Firstly, I don't have a good relationship with the sun. I got waaaaaaaaay too much sun yesterday. And so, its nice to not have to go outside.
Secondly, I'm much more stressed than I realized. I have so much to do. I've got general life type things to take care of, including working on L's wedding, but also stuff with moving AND stuff with starting up school. Normally, I think I would better able to handle it--which is why I'm surprised I'm so stressed. I'm usually much more on top of these things. However, I think my problem is the limbo issue. I'm not exactly a homebody, but I do need a home base. Right now, I have no real "home". I've got half my stuff in storage in Houston, half in Pittsburgh. My folks are in the Netherlands, I'm living with M in his parent's house, and staying weekdays in a hotel. I've started to think of my car as my room, which is just wrong.

So hopefully, this will give me a chance to reboot.

I've already cleaned out the car. It's not great, but it is something. I need to do wash, and clean some dishes. I hope to clean M's room, while I"m at it. I'm trying to sign up for classes, but thats not working. I'm hopefully going to be able to get moving stuff together, but I might have to wait till M gets home. We were going to talk about that yesterday, but I pretty much immediately fell asleep.

Incidentally, I'm going to Musikfest! woot.

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