Friday, August 31, 2007

I R on the internetz, stealing ur elktricity

I wish that iGoogle opened the apps in new tabs, or somehow tabbed within the google page.


Thats right kids, I have on campus internet at Tamu. woots.
(I don't know why I felt the need to announce that, or in internet meme form) is a more correct name for that kind of thing than most people realize, I think.

Mostly though, I just needed to share the following:
"Grilled garlic-marinated baby"

I have google reader set up for silly rss feed goodness. One of those things is this wonderful cooking blog. That is the headline that showed up on the feed, and I was really really freaked out for a minute. I don't know why I took it literally. My brain finally kicked into gear, and was pointed out that it was probably baby-something. In this case? Zucchini.

One day, I will start chronically my adventures in Aggieland.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007


Why the hell is recycled glassware so difficult to find in the states.

Everything that I can find that I like is either sold out or from Europe. Everything else just dances from 'funky' to 'tacky'.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

A new place, A new update


I'm in Bryan, now.

I have all my furniture.
My internet is up and running.

La's wedding is in two weeks, and I'm still searching for the perfect gift. (she knows this)

M is not going to come back down for awhile, though he is going to La's wedding with me. rock onnnn.

I start school today. I'm scared. it should be okay, being bio anth today, but I can't find a syllabus anywhere...

There will be a better update laters, I am sure of it.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Laura is crabby

Life is strange.

Anyway, I'm crabby because of the move, which is also why I haven't updated, not that anyone reads this.

I'll be in Texas by Monday.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

A good day

On the work front, I'm probably going to be Done done tomorrow. The pros: more time with M. The cons: less money. I think it's probably a toss up. I kinda really need the money. If I can get into my TAMU account, it will be all well, but I might not be able to. I still haven't heard from them as to whether I need to resend my scores. On the upside, M is very cuddly.

I was thinking about second job kind of stuff... Starbucks might be good, from the benefits standpoint. However, I don't really like coffee. The writing center at TAMU seems like a good job, and while I could probably handle helping undergrads, I don't really have any experience, and I don't think my writing is particularly good. I mean, I -can- write, obviously, but not in any professional capacity. Right now, none of this is an issue. I'll figure something out next semester.

Incidentally, the -good- news that instigated this whole post is that M will be able to work his current job from Texas. So, rock on. He'll get all the benefits associated with staying there a year, while still being able to come with me. Unfortunately, he has to stay up here until October. His biggest worry about that? That the house will be waaay too messy when he finally moves down. Silly boy.

Monday, August 6, 2007

Free food

I need a new name. I don't know what it should be. I'm multi dimensional, you know? Multi textured. But I don't really want to emphasize that, from the standpoint of I'm not really going to be talking all that much, most likely. Does that even make sense to anyone outside my head? Probably not. Its a good thing I'm only talking to myself.

Anyway. GRE totally sent my scores to TAMU, so they're on crack. Still can't register. Beyond worrying about that now. I have some many other things to freak out about, like HOW I'm going to move.

My IUP email is vaguely screwed up, and wasn't sending emails to gmail. dunno why. But I got something from TAMU, which cool. About free food. I'm all excited like.

so much, so worried. Stress. Hopefully it will spur me on.

Friday, August 3, 2007

A Day Off

So, cool thing about this whole contract thing is that, essentially, we can take off whenever we want. Now, this isn't to say that I could miss every Monday without some kind of arrangement, not to mention I don't get paid for days off. However, it does mean that if we don't really have anything for me to do, I get to come 'home'.

This is good. Firstly, I don't have a good relationship with the sun. I got waaaaaaaaay too much sun yesterday. And so, its nice to not have to go outside.
Secondly, I'm much more stressed than I realized. I have so much to do. I've got general life type things to take care of, including working on L's wedding, but also stuff with moving AND stuff with starting up school. Normally, I think I would better able to handle it--which is why I'm surprised I'm so stressed. I'm usually much more on top of these things. However, I think my problem is the limbo issue. I'm not exactly a homebody, but I do need a home base. Right now, I have no real "home". I've got half my stuff in storage in Houston, half in Pittsburgh. My folks are in the Netherlands, I'm living with M in his parent's house, and staying weekdays in a hotel. I've started to think of my car as my room, which is just wrong.

So hopefully, this will give me a chance to reboot.

I've already cleaned out the car. It's not great, but it is something. I need to do wash, and clean some dishes. I hope to clean M's room, while I"m at it. I'm trying to sign up for classes, but thats not working. I'm hopefully going to be able to get moving stuff together, but I might have to wait till M gets home. We were going to talk about that yesterday, but I pretty much immediately fell asleep.

Incidentally, I'm going to Musikfest! woot.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

O the infrequency at which I update

So, I'm at the library and I'm kind of freaked out. A dude walked by a few minutes ago and tapped on the window, and I smiled at him. And NOW I realized that there is a policyman hanging out here. He then went and talked to this old dude who's been sitting across from me at his computer. It's some kind of crazy sting operation!

*is done now*

Anyway, I was -originally- going to start this post with the following:
Eventually I will make the site less crappy looking. Probably once I start updating more.
I will also probably put a list down the side of awesome places that I read everyday ish.


I'm in a new city with my job now, and I have no internet at the hotel; thus, the library.
I'm kind of useless. It's awesome, though, because I'm kind of learning, in that highly freaked out kind of way. I know what I say doesn't really matter, and so I don't feel any push to learn anything. Or something. Its strange. I'm not like madly trying to cram things. Generally, I just don't have any -experience- and so its difficult. It's not like they're going to ask me for my opinion in terms of site formation, because I don't know. But I should be able to identify profiles. And -despite- what everyone says, 10YR5/6 and walking about Mongolia doesn't cut it. Micromorph in Mongolia would have been cool. But that would require geologists to be, you know, involved. In a more than radiocarbon dating sort of way.

But I digress.

I tried to sign up for classes, which is frustratingly difficult. Why? Because I'm blocked. Why? Because they NEVER RECIEVED MY GRE SCORE. Not the official one anyone. *is irritated* I know I sent it, but we'll just have to figure out how to rectify that. I think we will start by getting the correct address to send it to. So, I would be totally stoked about the whole signing up for classes thing, but I cant.

The move is progressing slowly. I don't want to talk about it.