Monday, January 4, 2010

New Year's Resolutions

Cross-posted?  Clearly.  Unsure if I should combine the two or not. 
This is highly unusual for me. First to post to my blog, like any other fool who got one and yet never did anything with it. Second to post something of a relatively personal nature. Third to actually do serious New Year Resolutions. Such is life.

I'm going to attempt to record my efforts here, which will hopefully lead to more knitterly posts. Part of the resolutions? No, but what I hope to part of a larger more positive turn around in my life.

So the resolutions themselves:
1 - Craft more. Specifically, knit one large project, and improve my crochet and tatting skills. Sewing is on the horizon. Theoretically, if I am to hold myself responsible via the blog, I will post them here.

2 - Exercise twice a week. Not because I am fat in the traditional sense (no matter how little that means) but because I am patently unhealthy. Can't walk up a flight of stairs without being winded--that's bad. Twice a week is not so much, and while I hope to improve upon that, I think that I can at the very least keep myself to twice a week.

3 - One new recipe a week; one repeat a month. Too much from my head, not enough tried and true. Repeats lead to additions to the repertoire, always good.

4 - Be more organized. This means planning meals, and keeping better track of my life.

Towards those goals:
I exercized today! Quite proud of myself, using our little apartment gym. Was on the eliptical for about 25 minutes. My heart rate was about 160 (not that I really know what that means). Burned 200 calories exactly. I hit the endorphins around minute 10.

Husband and I had the first of what should turn out to be weekly 'family planning' meetings. Right now we're attempting to cook out of the freezer. He is actually making sausagey stuff tomorrow, quite exciting. I'll be making soup from a recipe, as well as shrimp kabobs I make up (this was also supposed to be from a recipe, but I can't find anything I like). We may be going out of town Friday, so nothing planned for then or the weekend.

I'm hoping to post the shrimp thing so I can remember it. I think I shall marinate, then put a rub on, so I can have spices, but not worry about dripping in the oven. Only problem will be possibly them drying out; however, I don't really find shrimp to be well suited to the grill in any case.

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