Monday, February 8, 2010

Of raindrops and pigs

 Since I presume no one is reading my blog (and this is thus an exercise in futility?), no one would really know this.

But I am mildly obsessed with Olivia.  This is Olivia:
She's a children's (picture) book character.  I think I have two of the books?  Anyway, they now have all this *merchandise* associated with.  And since I am in fact, and consumerist whore, I want to own them all. (I may have a bit of the 'collector' bug.  And this is totally unrelated to the archaeology, I swear.)  Since I don't, this is only a mild obsession.  You just wait until I have kids, though.

Anyway, for Xmas, or my birthday, or something, my sister got me this really cute teacup:
See the little plastic handle poking out?  That's a tea strainer.  And the lid to keep the steam in!  *swoon*

Anyway, I wanted to microwave, so I searched to see if I could find any info on the mug.  And I discovered they have whole *line* of related ... things.  Not to mention that much of it is food related?  And largely functional?  This is so whimsical that I can ignore the creepy patriarchal undertones of the classic tale that we now know (though I daren't linger on the fact that the wolf is actually *holding* the umbrella for our little hoodling).  In this cute context, clearly we've gotten past that (perhaps one could even argue that this is a representation of the feminist ideal future, where little girl and wolf can live in harmony?).  In any case, the realization of a much larger line of adorableness is again tugging on my materialistic tendencies.  (Yes, I suppose that is a long winded way of saying, to quote a friend:  WANT)

1 comment:

Sachiko said...


You are one of the winners of the Tea Rose Home 2nd Anniversary Amy Butler Design Pattern Giveaway. Please send me an email with your shipping info.


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